

Enjoy the GAMAS application to find out about the latest Corporate news.Stay on top of the latest news, notices and official releases.PUBLICATIONSSend your publications to announce an important event or celebration that you want to share with the entire GAMAS Corporate community.EVENTSCheck at any time the events that are about to take place so you can participate in them. Tell the app to remind you of the day the event will take place so you dont miss it.BENEFITS AND AGREEMENTSKeep up with the agreements that you have with other companies so you can enjoy the benefits of being part of the GAMAS family.PROMOTIONSFind out about the promotions offered by the companies of the corporate GAMAS.CORPORATECheck the general information of the companies that make up our corporate.GAMAS NETWORKFind out about the latest developments in this Social Responsibility program.Lets keep the communication through our GAMAS app.